Friday, March 22, 2013

Best. School. Ever.

There was lots of energy at Westmere today after last night's awesome Farley Follies at FMS! The kids were anxious to learn about the 4th grade teachers' dance performance. I showed them the YouTube clip we used to learn our slick moves. Actually, it was from the video game 'Just Dance 4'. The kids were thrilled and having a ball! Before long, the double doors in our classroom flew open and in rushed Mrs. O'Brien's class to join in on the action. Check out the video! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Parent Volunteers Needed

We have some exciting events planned this spring for our 4th graders. The first is a visit from the Scotia-Glenville Children's Museum on Thursday, April 11th from 10:00-11:30. They will be organizing their program called 'Measures for Measuring.' The program is a series of interactive activities for students to practice their measurement skills. We are in need of at least 4 parent volunteers to help make the morning a success. Volunteers would be assigned a measurement activity to supervise (complete with all the materials and directions). If you can assist me that day, please email me or send me a note via backpack mail.

In addition, we have planned an all day field trip to the Waterford Museum on Thursday, May 16th. I am looking for 3 chaperones to attend. Again, please contact me if you are available! Thanks!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fun with Circuits

We had a blast this week in science. Students are learning about circuits and are building different kinds of electrical circuits. Students LOVED our lesson with the "Energy Ball." Did you hear about it at home? This cool ping-pong looking ball demonstrates how a circuit works and how electricity can pass through our own bodies. We also created circuit testers which allowed us to experiment with a number of materials to see if they were conductors or insulators.